Review Microsoft Lens

From time to time You need to take photos of documents, whiteboards or business cards. Microsoft Office Lens speeds up the process by enhancing the image in an automatic fashion. Recommended by my colleague Jens Dittmar this little helper improved my workday a lot. Let’s see it in action first: Documents Let’s say You have…

Code Kata: Roman Numeral – Part 1

Christmas is over, so we get rid of the Christmas Tree. Today I want to show You another Code Kata: Roman Numerals. The task seems to be quite easy. Write a program which converts a decimal number into a string which contains the equivalent as a roman literal. E.g. convert 1984 into MCMLXXXIV. The requirements…

Code Kata: Christmas Tree

Inspired by a blog post of Dave Thomas I started to implement my technology learning roadmap by writing little code katas. To kill two birds with one stone I first solve a programming puzzle with my lingua franca Python. That helped me to concentrate on solving the algorithmic part of the puzzle because I don’t…