How to deal with date and time in SQLite

Motivation When dealing with databases you will need the ability to store certain dates and/or timestamps in your tables. Let’s find out how you can do that in an SQLite database. SQL table creation SQLite has the data type TIMESTAMP for storing date-times CREATE TABLE social_media ( social_media_id INTEGER, insertion_date TIMESTAMP, yt_subs INTEGER fb_pg INTEGER…


I really like SQL. But sometimes I struggle to undestand some of the concepts. So I write about it. Meanwhile there are a bunch of articles, so time for a overview page: SQL-Basics: Create, Read, Update & Delete SQL-Basics: Relations SQL-Functions – SQL-Basics 3 SQLite3: Python and SQL Subqueries: Update column with values from another…

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k-fold crossvalidation with sklearn

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold kf = KFold(n_splits=2) kf.split(df_train) step = 0 # set counter to 0 for train_index, val_index in kf.split(df_train): # for each fold step = step + 1 # update counter print(‘Step ‘, step) features_fold_train = df_train.iloc[train_index, [4, 5]] # features matrix of training data (of this step) features_fold_val = df_train.iloc[val_index, [4, 5]]…

Pandas Cheat Sheet

If you are new to Pandas feel free to read Introduction to Pandas I’ve assembled some pandas code snippets Reading Data Reading CSV import pandas as pd # read from csv df = pd.read_csv(“path_to_file”) Can also be textfiles. file suffix is ignored

Data Science Pipeline

Motivation Learning Data Science can be grueling and overwhelming sometimes. When I feel too overwhelmed it’s time to draw a picture. This my current overview of what a data scientist has to do: General tools Linear Algebra with numpy – Part 1 numpy random choice Numpy linspace function Data acquisiton Data Science Datasets: Iris flower…