Bullet Journal

Nothing changed my life so drastically in the last couple of years like the Bullet Journal Method. Fumbling with to-do lists, habit tracking apps, a Kanban board in the kitchen, a google docs spreadsheet for goals and a mood journal I grew tired of not having one single source of truth regarding my life planning.…

Future Mobility Days 2017

After I visited my first barcamp (#SWEC16) in 2016 I wanted to participate in my first hackathon in 2017. I stumpled upon the Future Mobility Days #FMDNUE in Nuremberg, which offerd a bar camp, a design thinking jam and a hackathon all at once at on place within 36 hours. All in all for 99€…

Are You ready? / jQuery struggle

$(function() { console.log( “ready!” ); }); is the short form for: $( document ).ready(function() { console.log( “ready!” ); }); Very unintuitive, this does not work: $(“input#myInput”).bind(“change”, function(){ }); Instead of “change” You have to use “input” $(“input#myInput”).bind(“input”, function(){ });