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Python3: ChainMap

Since Python 3.3 You can chain dictionaries which contain the same key in a prioritized order: from collections import ChainMap prio_1 = {“param_1”: “foo”} prio_2 = {“param_1”: “foobar”, “param_2”: “bar”} combined = ChainMap(prio_1, prio_2) print(combined[“param_1”]) # outputs ‘foo’ print(combined[“param_2”]) # outputs ‘bar’ The param_1 from the prio_1 dictionary is dominant, so it isn’t overwritten by…

New Blog Post

Python Type Checking

Python is a dynamically typed language which makes it easy and fun to program. But sometimes -especially in bigger projects- it can become quite cumbersome when you just receive errors at run time. Given the hypothetical example where we define a function which multiplies integer: def multiply(a, b): return a * b print(multiply(“I”, “You”)) It…

Python 3 – there shall be just int

Trying to contribute to the Flask plugin flask-login I just added these lines: if isinstance(duration, (int, long)): duration = timedelta(seconds=duration) Looking quite plausible, isn’t it? But lo and behold: it doesn’t work under Python 3.x. Dang! The reason: Python 2 has two integer types: int and long. In Python 3 there is only int, which…