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Pipenv Easter Egg

I’ve found this little easter egg hidden in pipenv: if not environments.PIPENV_HIDE_EMOJIS: now = time.localtime() # Halloween easter-egg. if ((now.tm_mon == 10) and (now.tm_mday == 30)) or ( (now.tm_mon == 10) and (now.tm_mday == 31) ): INSTALL_LABEL = “🎃 ” # Christmas easter-egg. elif ((now.tm_mon == 12) and (now.tm_mday == 24)) or ( (now.tm_mon ==…

Python Pipfile and pipenv

  If You already read Python pip and virtualenv you are familiar with the way python handles requirements. but lo and behoild there is a new kid in town or actually two new kids on the block: Pipfile and Pipenv – both with with a capital “P”. If you are tired of creating and maintaining…