
Fiddling around with a Java project from my friend Thomas Berger I encountered lombok: Lombok e.g. generates automagically setter and getter for data classes. all You have to do is annotate a class with @Data import lombok.Data; @Data public class CinemaEvent { private String location; private String url; } For IntelliJ there is a lombok…

Useful Outlook Settings

Being “forced” to use Outlook at work, I use the following configuration: Disable Popups Options -> Mail -> Message Arrival Default Reminder -> 5mins Options -> Calendar -> Calendar options -> Default reminders Activate Week Number Options -> Calendar -> Display options -> Show week numbers in the month view Enable Calendar in Mail View…

pip optional dependencies

Sometimes you want to make your python package usable for different situations, e.g. flask or bottle or django. If You want to minimize dependencies You can use an optional dependency in setup.py: extras_require={ ‘flask’: [‘Flask>=0.8’, ‘blinker>=1.1’] } Now you can install the library with: pip install raven[flask]  

My first MOC rebuild

After building the LEGO Ideas Saturn V rocket I was curious about more real space sets. LEGO once had a set of the Curiosity Rover which isn’t available anymore and is insanely expensive when You want to buy it used. But thanks to Christoph Zeller I discovered a MOC on rebrickable.com Searching for parts Searching…

Add Vaadin Maven Archetype to IntelliJ

On Windows You can add the Maven archetype for Vaadin to IntelliJ IDEA the following way: Open: c:\Users\username\.IdeaIC2017.3\system\Maven\Indices\UserArchetypes.xml and add the line: <archetypes> <archetype groupId=”com.vaadin” artifactId=”vaadin-archetype-application” version=”8.3.2″ /> </archetypes Now you can create a new Vaadin project via Maven  

Numpy linspace function

To create e.g. x-axis indices you can use the linspace function from numpy. You give it a range (e.g. 0 to 23) and the number of divisions and it will distribute the values evenly across that range. The stop values is included in the resulting value array by default. Example: import numpy as np np.linspace(0,…


To save RAM on your Arduino You can annotate immutable variables like lookup tables or strings with the PROGMEM keyword. The data will be stored in program memory. const dataType variableName[] PROGMEM = {data0, data1, data3…​};

Data Science Overview

Questions Data Science tries to answer one of the following questions: Classification -> “Is it A or B?” Clustering -> “Are there groups which belong together?” Regression -> “How will it develop in the future?” Association -> “What is happening very often together?” There are two ways to tackle these problem domains with machine learning:…