Classification: Precision and Recall

In the realms of Data Science you’ll encounter sooner or the later the terms “Precision” and “Recall”. But what do they mean? Clarification Living together with little kids You very often run into classification issues: My daughter really likes dogs, so seeing a dog is something positive. When she sees a normal dog e.g. a…

Linear Algebra with numpy

Numpy is a package for scientific computing in Python. It is blazing fast due to its implementation in C. It is often used together with pandas, matplotlib and Jupyter notebooks. Often these packages are referred to as the datascience stack. Installation You can install numpy via pip pip install numpy Basic Usage In the datascience…

Introduction to Jupyter Notebook

JuPyteR Do You know the feeling of being already late to a party when encountering something new? But when you actually start telling others about it, you realize that it is not too common knowledge at all, e.g. Jupyter Notebooks. What is a Jupyter notebook? In my own words: a browser-based document-oriented command line style…

Data Science Overview

Questions Data Science tries to answer one of the following questions: Classification -> “Is it A or B?” Clustering -> “Are there groups which belong together?” Regression -> “How will it develop in the future?” Association -> “What is happening very often together?” There are two ways to tackle these problem domains with machine learning:…