Table of Contents
When writing Python packages you often have to assure that the packages can be used on different platforms and Python versions
e.g. the package must work under Python 3.8 on Linux as well as with Python 3.9 on Windows.
But how do you test all those supported OS and version combinations?
Enter tox
tox was first released in October 2018, first stable version 0.5 came out in 2010.
Today we have the 3.25 and tox 4 is in the making.
pip install tox
Setup & Usage
At a bare minimum you need a tox.ini file in your project’s root directory with the follwing content:
[tox] envlist = py38, py39 [testenv] deps = pytest commands = pytest
To run tox you just type in
and Bob’s your uncle
How does it work?
tox will now do the following things automagically for you
- Build the package (Make an sdist distribution by invoking python sdist)
- For each listed environment (in this example Python 3.8 and 3.9)
- Create the environment with venv
- Install the package
- Install additional dependencies
- Run the commands
tox will create a .tox directory in your project

More configuration
Running on multiple OS
[tox] envlist = {win32, linux}-{py38, py39} [testenv] platform = win32 deps = -r ./requirements-dev.txt commands = coverage run -m pytest --junit-xml=reports/test_report-{envname}.xml [testenv:linux-py38] platform = linux|linux2 [testenv:linux-py39] platform = linux|linux2
tox has a neat syntax to create a matrix of OS and Python versions
{win32, linux}-{py38, py39} will result in the following environments
Building wheels
If you are interested in testing the creation of wheels as well you can use a plugin like
or call python bdist_wheel directly in the commands section
Python 3.10
[tox] envlist = py37, py38, py39, py310
Multiple dependencies
If your tox builds rely on more dependencies you have to list them like this:
[testenv] deps = pytest pyhamcrest
But to avoid duplication you should use the dependencies from your requirements file
[testenv] deps = -r ./requirements-dev.txt
Testing Coverage
When you add coverage and pytest-cov to your requirements you can generate test coverage
[testenv] deps = -r ./requirements-dev.txt commands = coverage run -m pytest --junit-xml=reports/test_report-{envname}.xml
WARNING: could not copy distfile to D:\.tox\distshare
drive not mounted