This is a pretty quick one:
Kotlin has the standard Java if / else if / else statements
val age = 12 if (age < 5) { println("Go to kindergarten") } else if (age == 5) { println("Go to pre-school") } else if (age > 5 && age <= 17) { println("Go to grade ${age - 5}") } else { println("Go to college!") }
But one nice feature is the when clause:
It feels like a mixture of switch/case and if/else with a flavor of ranges 🙂
when (age) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 -> println("Go to preschool") 5 -> println("Go to Kindergarten") in 6..17 -> { val grade = age - 5 println("Go to grade $grade") } else -> println("Go to college!") }