Waveform of Audio File
I’ve tried a component FDWaveformView. It uses CocoaPods, a dependecy management tool like Python’s pip or Rust’s cargo.
sudo gem install cocoapods
To add CocoaPods support to an existing project you must add a Podfile
cd XcodeProjects/PlayalongTrainer touch Podfile
The content of the Podfile is pretty straght forward:
target 'PlayalongTrainer' do use_frameworks! pod 'FDWaveformView', '~> 2.0.1' end
pod install
This creates a xcworkspace file which you have to use instead of the xcodeproj file to open the project.
open <YourProjectName>.xcworkspace
Integrating FDWaveformView
When you opened the workspace you have to compile the pods before you can use them. To use the library you add a view via InterfaceBuilder and assign FDWaveformView as a custom class. Then you can do the setup
self.waveform.delegate = self self.waveform.alpha = 0.0 self.waveform.audioURL = url self.waveform.progressSamples = 10000 self.waveform.doesAllowScrubbing = true self.waveform.doesAllowStretch = true self.waveform.doesAllowScroll = true self.waveform.wavesColor = Stylesheet.Colors.DarkGray self.waveform.progressColor = Stylesheet.Colors.LightBlue