If You already read Python pip and virtualenv you are familiar with the way python handles requirements. but lo and behoild there is a new kid in town or actually two new kids on the block: Pipfile and Pipenv – both with with a capital “P”.
If you are tired of creating and maintaining your virtual envrionments, requirements.txt and requirements_to_freeze.txts: Enter Pipenv!
Table of Contents
To install Pipenv you have to have
- Python 3.2 or greater installed and in your path. Check on your command line / shell:
$ python --version
- pip installed
$ pip --version
Now you can use pip to install Pipenv:
$ pip install pipenv
Using Pipenv
$ pipenv install flask
If You run this command it will do four things:
- create a virtual environment
- create a Pipfile
- create a Pipfile.lock
- install the flask package into the virtual environment
The Pipfile
Pipfile is the replacement for the requirements.txt. It only contains the high level dependencies.
[[source]] url = "https://pypi.org/simple" verify_ssl = true name = "pypi" [packages] flask = "*" [dev-packages] [requires] python_version = "3.6"
Under the section packages you can specify minimal, maximal or exact versions of a dependency. The syntax looks a bit odd when you are used to pip’s / requirements.txt cleaner syntax e.g. responder==2.3.4
but hey: roll with the punches 🙂
[packages] responder = "==0.1.0" # exactly 0.1.0 responder = ">0.1.0" # newer -> 0.1.4 as I'm writing this responder = "<0.1.0" # released before 0.1.0 -> 0.0.10
In the lockfile you can see all sub-dependencies of the flask package
{ "_meta": { "hash": { "sha256": "8ec50e78e90ad609e540d41d1ed90f3fb880ffbdf6049b0a6b2f1a00158a3288" }, "pipfile-spec": 6, "requires": { "python_version": "3.6" }, "sources": [ { "name": "pypi", "url": "https://pypi.org/simple", "verify_ssl": true } ] }, "default": { "click": { "hashes": [ "sha256:29f99fc6125fbc931b758dc053b3114e55c77a6e4c6c3a2674a2dc986016381d", "sha256:f15516df478d5a56180fbf80e68f206010e6d160fc39fa508b65e035fd75130b" ], "version": "==6.7" }, "flask": { "hashes": [ "sha256:2271c0070dbcb5275fad4a82e29f23ab92682dc45f9dfbc22c02ba9b9322ce48", "sha256:a080b744b7e345ccfcbc77954861cb05b3c63786e93f2b3875e0913d44b43f05" ], "index": "pypi", "version": "==1.0.2" }, "itsdangerous": { "hashes": [ "sha256:cbb3fcf8d3e33df861709ecaf89d9e6629cff0a217bc2848f1b41cd30d360519" ], "version": "==0.24" }, "jinja2": { "hashes": [ "sha256:74c935a1b8bb9a3947c50a54766a969d4846290e1e788ea44c1392163723c3bd", "sha256:f84be1bb0040caca4cea721fcbbbbd61f9be9464ca236387158b0feea01914a4" ], "version": "==2.10" }, "markupsafe": { "hashes": [ "sha256:a6be69091dac236ea9c6bc7d012beab42010fa914c459791d627dad4910eb665" ], "version": "==1.0" }, "werkzeug": { "hashes": [ "sha256:c3fd7a7d41976d9f44db327260e263132466836cef6f91512889ed60ad26557c", "sha256:d5da73735293558eb1651ee2fddc4d0dedcfa06538b8813a2e20011583c9e49b" ], "version": "==0.14.1" } }, "develop": {} }
Activate the virtual environment
$ pipenv shell
activates the virtual environment
Installing additional packages
Like any good dependency manager Pipenv lets You install requirements pretty easily:
$ pipenv install Flask-Login
Migrating your old projects
If you already have a requirements.txt in your project you can run pipenv install and pipenv will convert your requirements.txt to a PipFile / Pipfile.lock
pipenv install requirements.txt found, instead of Pipfile! Converting... Warning: Your Pipfile now contains pinned versions, if your requirements.txt did. We recommend updating your Pipfile to specify the "*" version, instead. Pipfile.lock not found, creating... Locking [dev-packages] dependencies... Locking [packages] dependencies... Updated Pipfile.lock (9832bf)! Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock (9832bf)... ================================ 6/6 - 00:00:04 To activate this project's virtualenv, run pipenv shell.
Helpful tools
$ pipenv graph Flask-Login==0.4.1 - Flask [required: Any, installed: 1.0.2] - click [required: >=5.1, installed: 6.7] - itsdangerous [required: >=0.24, installed: 0.24] - Jinja2 [required: >=2.10, installed: 2.10] - MarkupSafe [required: >=0.23, installed: 1.0] - Werkzeug [required: >=0.14, installed: 0.14.1
Voila, a dependency graph!
$ pipenv check
let’s You check your dependencies for security vulnerabilities.
IDE support
If you are using PyCharm (which You should of course) it’s already there with the 2018.2 release:
Have fun using Pipenv!