This is part 3 of the 5 part series 15 Steps for successful Bootstrapping
USP means “unique selling proposition”, which makes it even better than the German word USP. It’s all about “selling”, so selling. That means your unique selling point must also make the customer buy something.
What sets you apart from your competition?
Sure you can tell that, but have you also written down your unique selling points? You are the only barber in the area with massage chairs? Your driving school specializes in people with visual impairments? Great, then write that on your website and business card.
You should always question these features, because most of them can of course also be copied by new competitors. Over time, you even hone your profile by reformulating the USPs.
Creating a strong brand – the child must have a name
If you have few customers and your business is not yet recognizable, you need to establish a brand that sets you apart from the competition.
A brand can be a lot. Often a catchy slogan as a recognition feature or a cool picture that describes your core competences is enough. If you have something, that should include every material you produce: business card, website, hand-outs, car, t-shirt.
Elevator Pitch – Convince in 30 seconds
If someone asks you, “What are you doing?”, Most people say back: “Professional or private?”. Already lost, questions are not answered with counter questions! If someone asks you what you are doing, it is a chance to present your business idea in a nutshell. So prepare for such situations and practice that.
In the so-called elevator pitch you have between 30 and 60 seconds to give your conversation partner the business idea. Exactly as much time as you spend, for example, in an elevator together, if it does not get stuck.
The goal is to get to the point. Make up a text like “I am an independent veterinarian specializing in dogs, cats and rodents and mainly make home visits, so that my clients save the way to the practice.”
Next article 15 Steps for successful Bootstrapping – Part 4