My friend Timo recommended the book “Seven Languages in Seven Weeks” to me a couple of months ago.
During my parental leave I’ve finally found time to read -and more important- code the exercises.
The first language is Ruby. Ruby is object-oriented, dynamically and strongly typed. It supports duck typing and is a good fit for developing DSLs.
Mac OS X comes with Ruby preinstalled.
The interactive console can be invoked with the command
$ irb
The famous Hello World is pretty simple:
puts 'Hello World!'
A loop can be constructed with while:
x = 0
while x < 10
x = x + 1
puts "This is sentence number #{x}"
For string extrapolation you have to use the double quotes.
Ruby has some nice string methods e.g. getting index of character sequences:
hello_ruby = "Hello Ruby!"
puts hello_ruby.index("Ruby")
A simple guessing game looks like this:
while true
random_number = rand(10)
puts "Guess the number!"
while true
guess = gets().to_i
puts "Too low" if guess < random_number
puts "too high" if guess > random_number
if guess == random_number
puts "Correct!"