How to structure your Python project

This is not a “my way or the highway” kind of advice. Just a bunch of good practices. A starting point if you are new to Python. You will likely inspect and adapt your own project structure over time. The bare minimum This is a setup I recommend when just want to start with a…

Why you should use PyHamcrest in testing

Motivation I’ve written about Software Testing Concepts in general and also about pytest in particular. Now I want to introduce you to a nice little add-on which makes your testing -hopefully- easier. Hamcrest Hamcrest is around for a couple of years. I’ve used it together with JUnit back in the days. It had a bit…

How to use Python shutil

Sometimes you want to delete a folder in Python. You know that os.rmdir() can do that for you. But then you realize it can only remove empty folders. If you want to remove the content before deleting the folder you come up with: def remove_non_empty_dir(path_to_dir): if os.path.exists(path_to_dir): files_in_dir = os.listdir(path_to_dir) for file in files_in_dir: os.remove(os.path.join(path_to_dir,…

Logging in Python – Cheat Sheet

I’ve written a piece about logging Log4j2 for Kotlin and the motivation to use logging in Python is the same: Logging is a common good practice in software engineering. It enables you to monitor applications in production to gather information about crashes and other malfunctions for further analysis. It is the “little brother” of debugging…

Getting the file extension from a file path in Python

Determine the file extension os.path.splitext() is used to split the path name into a pair root and ext. e.g. C:\Users\memyselfandi\projects\file_extension_test\data.csv is split into C:\Users\memyselfandi\projects\file_extension_test\data and .csv Here is a working snippet for identifying CSV and XLS: import os if os.path.isfile(input_file): file_extension = os.path.splitext(input_file)[1].lower() if file_extension == “.csv”:“It’s a CSV”) # do something with CSV…


I really like SQL. But sometimes I struggle to undestand some of the concepts. So I write about it. Meanwhile there are a bunch of articles, so time for a overview page: SQL-Basics: Create, Read, Update & Delete SQL-Basics: Relations SQL-Functions – SQL-Basics 3 SQLite3: Python and SQL Subqueries: Update column with values from another…

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Pipenv Easter Egg

I’ve found this little easter egg hidden in pipenv: if not environments.PIPENV_HIDE_EMOJIS: now = time.localtime() # Halloween easter-egg. if ((now.tm_mon == 10) and (now.tm_mday == 30)) or ( (now.tm_mon == 10) and (now.tm_mday == 31) ): INSTALL_LABEL = “🎃 ” # Christmas easter-egg. elif ((now.tm_mon == 12) and (now.tm_mday == 24)) or ( (now.tm_mon ==…