Table of Contents
In this article I will show you five reasons why you might need an Octopi for your Prusa 3d printer
Owning a 3d printer is not subtle: you need a good amount of space and the printer generates a lot of noise. So a separate room or a place in the basement are quite common.
But then you have to walk over to have an eye on the print. In case it fails you want to stop it immediately before more filament gets wasted.
Octopi fro the rescue!
With an attached web cam or Raspberry Pi Cam you can monitor what’s going on on the heatbed.

Status updates and notification on finished builds
You can install the telegram plugin and create a telegram bot to get status updates when you are not home.

No more SD card switching
One great advantage of the Octopi is the ability to upload your gcode files via the web interface.
No more SD card switching!
Controlling the Axis
On the Control tab you have the ability to move the axis via mouse so you don’t have to scroll through the Prusa menu anymore.
Making Time lapse videos
If a camera is attached to the octopi you can enable the time lapse feature. Every time you start a build a time lapse video is saved to the rapsberry sd card.
You can download it via the web interface as well.