After visiting my first bar camp last year, I became quite an aficionado of craftsmanship gatherings.
I visited:
- SWEC16
- FMD 2017
- DevCamp 2017
- MQ! 2017
- Management 3.0 Stammtisch
All very different formats, locations and price ranges as well. So I was curious what was going to happen at #bcwue.
Table of Contents
The location
The event took place in the building of the computer science department of the university of Würzburg on a Saturday. A very quiet place at that time, enough parking spaces as well ?
The Sessions
As always I had a hard time choosing. 6 out of 23 sessions was the goal. Here are my choices:
Grundgesetz vs Facebook Community Standards
The lawyer Chan-Jo Jun told us about the case Anas Modamani against Facebook.
Main takeaway: if you have a case at court where technology is involved the outcome is like flipping a coin!
Planning of Webweek Würzburg
Ute shared with us her plan to organize a web week like the Nürnberg Web Week.
The hashtag will be #wueww
Agile Retrospectives
Again a very inspiring session from Denis from flyeralarm. (I heard his talk at DevCamp)
Ten rules for agile retros:
- #10 – Time Boxing
- 5 min – Set the stage, start with something positive
- 25 min – Gather data
- 25 min – Generate Insights
- 30 min – Decide what to do
- 5 min – Close the retro
- #9 – A Retro always takes 90 minutes
- #8 – As a moderator have a plan B/C
- #7 – Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared
- #6 – Try always something new (start-stop-continue instead of mad-glad-sad)
- #5 – The moderator is not a participant
- #4 – Praise participants
- #3 – Even the moderator has to improve
- #2 – Solutions come from the participants only
- #1 – Don’t panic!
A book tip from Denis is Agile Retrospectives from Derby and Larsen
Employee Development
Robert from Mayflower shared his experiences with Peer Reviews. At Mayflower Scrum Master get together quarterly to give and receive feedback on their main skills.
A session for founders. I shared my experience with my guitar teaching business.
Main takeaway: As a founder do not do all by yourself, hire a tax advisor. Do not overthink the need for legal counsel, invest your money in a consultant which checks your business plan.
Draw Toast
Ute introduced us to a nice concept of design thinking. By visualizing steps of a process on single post-its and rearranging and combining them as a team, you can gather a good understanding of what actually is happening..
The feedback wall
One main issue many visitors had, was the length of the camp: many wished it would have been two days 🙂
Bottom Line
This bar camp was small but mighty! I’m really looking forward for next year’s camp.
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