BarCamp Regensburg 2022

Endlich wieder BarCamp! – Yeah! Zwei lange Jahren mussten wir auf das BarCamp Regensburg verzichten. Ich wusste nicht wie sehr ich es vermisst hatte. Als ich die Stufen zu Techbase hochstolperte fühlte es sich so an, als wäre ich gerade erst dort gewesen. Allerdings konnte ich diesmal direkt in der Nähe parken. Location Die Location…

How to configure git

Motivation Working on different projects with different user info and settings you may find it necessary to dive deeper into the git configuration. First of all you need to know that there are at least three git configuration files system global local worktree Each level overrides values in the previous level, so local overwrites global,…

Shortcuts for Screenshots on macOS

When you write articles you occasionally need a screenshot of a program or a website. macOS got you covered with several options. Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts to use them: Screenshot of the full screen Press Shift + Cmd + 3 simultaneously Part of the screen Press Shift + Cmd + 4 simultaneously Window…

Five Books every Junior Developer should own

Motivation When you start your career in software development you become bamboozled by the amount of material on the interwebs, the number of published books (print and ebooks) and the available courses online and offline. Let me lend you a helping hand! As I stated in Thoughts on building a library knowledge is power and…

Apple Watch 8 Unboxing

Motivation I skipped the first 7 series of Apple watches successfully but now Apple got me on the hook! As I become older I become more and more aware that I have to get my ass off the couch much more often and do more sports. And here comes Apple with their new watch 8…

DevOps Camp 2022 Recap

tl;df; it was a blast! Visiting my first barcamp since 2019 I know now what I’ve missed: Drinks, food and soulfood! Location DevOps Camp was hosted at Brandad Systems AG in Fürth Coffee Coffee was sponsored by cloudpunks Catering Catering was provided by Frau B. Incredible as always! Sessions Due to family business I couldn’t…

How to work with the Python os module

Motivation When you are dealing with files and directories or operating system version and environment variables the os module needs to become your friend os Get current working directory import os print(os.getcwd()) Get platform info == “nt”   # Windows == “posix” #  Linux and macOS Get environment variables assert os.environ.get(“FOO”) == “BAR” os.path…