Re-enable Zoom with Mouse-Wheel on Firefox

Problem With the 109.0 Firefox Release zooming with Ctrl + mouse wheel is disabled by default: “On macOS, Ctrl or Cmd + trackpad or mouse wheel now scrolls the page instead of zooming. This avoids accidental zooming and matches the behavior of other web browsers on macOS.” As I’m a little bit visually impaired, this…

Introduction to 3d printing

Motivation As I started with my Prusa i3 MK3 last year I was bamboozled a lot: Platforms, Tools, gcode, STL, CAD, Slicer, etc. Perhaps this little article helps to shed some light onto the topic. Prerequisites Buy a printer 3D printers come in a variety of sizes and prizes. Nowadays you can start below 200€…

Pillow how to convert images to webp

Motivation WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. It was developed by Google, and is designed to be smaller in size than other image formats, while still maintaining high image quality. One reason WebP is often considered better than JPEG is that it can…

Skin in the Game

Motivation Dieser Artikel ist ein Plädoyer für mehr Ausprobieren und weniger Perfektionismus. Skin in the Game „Skin in the Game“ bedeutet, dass eine Person ein berechtigtes Interesse am Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer Sache hat, an der sie beteiligt ist, und daher eine Motivation hat, dafür zu sorgen, dass sie erfolgreich wird. Wenn beispielsweise ein Firmeninhaber…