Distributing your own package on PyPi – Part 2

In Distributing your own package on PyPi I wrote about my first package on PyPI. Here are some refinements aka lessons learned: Project Description on PyPI I wondered why the project description on PyPi was empty. Solution: You need a long_description. If You already have a README.md, you can read it into a string and…

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Python datetime and format

One of the things I always forget is date and time in Python. So message to myself: The strftime method is used for formatting (string_format_time) import datetime start_date = datetime.datetime.now() DATE_FORMAT = ‘%d/%m/%Y %H:%M’ print(start_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)) Her is a nice little Cheatsheet

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Python3: ChainMap

Since Python 3.3 You can chain dictionaries which contain the same key in a prioritized order: from collections import ChainMap prio_1 = {“param_1”: “foo”} prio_2 = {“param_1”: “foobar”, “param_2”: “bar”} combined = ChainMap(prio_1, prio_2) print(combined[“param_1”]) # outputs ‘foo’ print(combined[“param_2”]) # outputs ‘bar’ The param_1 from the prio_1 dictionary is dominant, so it isn’t overwritten by…

Celebration Grid

Everyone is talking about error culture and that companies should embrace it. Jurgen Appelo sheds some light on this topic by bisecting the term “error” and introducing a tool to celebrate the right kind of errors. The grid The term “error” is broken down into mistake and failure. Mistake is a behavior, failure is an…