Books about Space

Motivation Over the years I gathered some nice books about space exploration, rocketry and space in general. The List To Space and Back Endurance: My Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future Flying to the Moon:…

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Books about Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Foundation Annotated Turing Statistics For Dummies The Practically Cheating Statistics Handbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Appoach Prediction & Data Science The Signal and the Noise: The Art and Science of Prediction The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction Philosophical Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine The…

Getting the file extension from a file path in Python

Determine the file extension os.path.splitext() is used to split the path name into a pair root and ext. e.g. C:\Users\memyselfandi\projects\file_extension_test\data.csv is split into C:\Users\memyselfandi\projects\file_extension_test\data and .csv Here is a working snippet for identifying CSV and XLS: import os if os.path.isfile(input_file): file_extension = os.path.splitext(input_file)[1].lower() if file_extension == “.csv”:“It’s a CSV”) # do something with CSV…


I really like SQL. But sometimes I struggle to undestand some of the concepts. So I write about it. Meanwhile there are a bunch of articles, so time for a overview page: SQL-Basics: Create, Read, Update & Delete SQL-Basics: Relations SQL-Functions – SQL-Basics 3 SQLite3: Python and SQL Subqueries: Update column with values from another…

My book writing workflow

In this article I want to give you a short overview of my book writing process which I use in my current project “Level Up!” Content Overview For planning purposes I use Google Docs. Everything is tracked in a spreadsheet. I use task based planning.

Developer Toolbelt – private edition

Inspired by the Blog Post I want to share what my tool set looks like in 2022: PyCharm as main IDE for Python and markdown pandoc for converting markdown to PDF Android Studio Github (now with private repo support) Guitar Pro Version 7.5 (Thomann Affiliate Link) Logic Pro X Spotify for getting into “the…

Bullet Journal

Nothing changed my life so drastically in the last couple of years like the Bullet Journal Method. Fumbling with to-do lists, habit tracking apps, a Kanban board in the kitchen, a google docs spreadsheet for goals and a mood journal I grew tired of not having one single source of truth regarding my life planning.…