Kotlin Tutorial

This is the overview page for my little Kotlin tutorial Learning Kotlin Part 1 – print Learning Kotlin Part 2 – arrays Learning Kotlin Part 3 – ranges Learning Kotlin Part 4 – conditionals Learning Kotlin Part 5 – loops Learning Kotlin Part 6 – functions Learning Kotlin Part 7 – multiple return values Reading…

Camera Holder for RaspberryPi Camera

Motivation Fiddling around with octoprint I figured that I needed a case and holder for the Raspberry Cam Cam case Printables.com for the rescue: Sneaks has a lot of cool designs and I fell in love with the Articulating Raspberry Pi Camera Mount for Prusa MK3 and MK2 The parts Here you can see all…

5 reasons why your 3d prints fail

When you are new to 3d printing your first prints will likely fail or not produce the desired results right away. Here are 5 common issues with 3d printing. Heatbed dirty When you do not clean the heatbed properly before a print you may encounter issues with the adhesion. So please clean the heatbed before…

Tipps für Bewerber

Heute eine kleine Sammlung an Bewerbungstipps für technische Berufe, entstanden in Kooperation mit Tino Dietel, Engineering Lead bei TRADEBYTE. Ein paar Tugenden vorweg Rechtschreibung Nichts bringt uns mehr auf die Palme, als Rechtschreibfehler: Verben werden klein, Nomen werden groß geschrieben. Nutze bitte die Rechtschreibprüfung in deinem Schreibprogramm. Lass noch jemanden drüberschauen, wenn Du dir unsicher…

How to implement Python Decorators – Part 2

When you’ve finished reading How to implement Python Decorators you might wonder if it is possible to hand over some parameters to the decorator function. And yes that is possible and can come in quite handy. For a Flask project I wrote a decorator to manage authorization of endpoints. I wanted to grant access to…

X- & Z-Axis Assembly – Prusa i3 MK3S+

Assembling the Y-Axis of the Prusa i3 made a lot of fun. So up to the next: X-Axis The assembly is pretty straight forward. The manual has enough imagery and the description is very detailed. One tip: instead of using the included allen keys consider using a little electric screwdriver like the Bosch IXO. It…

How to use glob in Python

Motivation Sometimes you need to find files across multiple directories and / or directory hierarchies according to certain pattern. E.g. find all image files with the jpg extension You can use it to find files in a directory by using wildcard semantics. Let’s say we have a directory structure like this: glob_test/ |– dir_a/ |–…