Software Testing Concepts

My Tale of Woe When I graduated from university and had my first job as a software engineer at Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH I should do the parental leave cover for a colleague. He showed me his project, gave me some info e.g. contact person and went off to Canada. Literally on the second…

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lernOS Overview

lernOS is an operating system for lifelong learning and learning organizations. Inspired by Scrum, Working Out Loud, Getting Things Done and Objective and Key Results VUCA world (Volatility, uncertainty,_complexity_and_ambiguity) Networking over isolation Trust over suspiciousness Openness over silos Participation over exclusion Agility over stability Levels Individual Team Organizations lernOs sprints lernOS is practiced in time…

Python Package parameterized

Stackoverflowing around I found this nice package Parameterized testing in Python sucks. parameterized fixes that. For everything. Parameterized testing for nose, parameterized testing for py.test, parameterized testing for unittest. Reading this description I had very high expectations 🙂 So let’s see if the package can hold up to it.

PyConDE Berlin 2019

I’ve always wanted to go to a conference and with PyConDE I’ve found one that suited me well: The price point of 300 bucks for 3 days of conference, 2 days of workshops and the opportunity to go to Berlin and visit my friend Thomas was fascinating!